Monday, October 31, 2011

Miss Three and a Half

My Dear Delilah,

You make my heart sing and you warm my world with sunshine. You make me smile with your sweet heart and love for you sister. You make me laugh with your awesome facial expressions and off key singing. You always oblige when I need a hug and you never fail to kiss your sister good night. Your drawing and writing is blowing my mind, I can't keep up with how fast you are learning. You amaze me everyday.....

You also frustrate me a bit. Please can you put your cranky pants out for a wash tomorrow and put some happy ones on?

Love Mum. xxxx

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Morning Finds

We are just fresh back from the carboot sale and I thought I'd share this week's finds:

My favourite of all the finds is the little oil painting "Autumn Flinders" (1981 really was a good vintage!)for the bargain rice of $1, the colours in it are just so vibrant! I've been on the hunt for chairs to go around our dining table in the studio (we only had one) so these were a must to come home with us for a whopping $8 the pair. The peach chenille blanket was an absolute must, and who could possibly pass up a brand new pair of Jag jeans with tags still on for a whole $10!

Love car booting!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Playing With The Verri Vintage Stash

Luke was out for the day today, a work function at the races. As the girls and I had already had a bit of a long week together, Delilah is having a big cranky growth spurt (like she needed one!) and Miss M is speedily heading toward the terrible twos (now I remember why we started calling Lilah "Captian Feralpants"!), I had decided early in the day that we needed some projects for the afternoon.

We've been doing ALOT of gardening lately, all three of us really enjoy it, the girls even have their own tiny gardening gloves and tools (and I am slowly getting to grips with my fears of slimy, crawly, creepy, stingy things), so our first task was to plant some basil.... well that took all of five minutes so we then cracked into the Verri Vintage stash and I showed the girls how to make fabric covered canvases. Following on from the pin cushion post, I am really loving a good short project at the moment, the sense of accomplishment is so satisfying..... so after making three:

Delilah decided we needed more, and I was very happy to oblige:

And beside the fun result of having produced some super cute artwork for our studio, we also had a completely pleasant and stress free afternoon:)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pin Cushion Therapy.

I am loving the Oopsidaisi Pin Cushion Swap......

I had been feeling a bit down lately and for some reason a tasty little 30min sewing project seems to achieve such a sense of accomplishment that I have found myself feeling better.... although slightly addicted to making pin cushions, perhaps not brilliant when I have sooooooo much market sewing to do!

If you'd like to make your own, lovely Bernie from Tea For Evie, posted a fantastic tutorial for one on her blog, you can read it here:) Happy Sewing!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I've been meaning to write a post for weeks.... since my 30th Birthday infact,but time ha just gotten away. So why is time disappearing so fast in the Verri household at the moment?

- First there was the City to Bay.... I ran it in a not too shabby time of 62mins 10secs

- Then there was my 30th....

But that deserves a post all of it's own.

- There has been the hen's night planning for my bestie who is getting married in Novmember.

- We went to see the Wiggles

- There has been baking,treasure hunting, and just plain old playing.

- And then there has been the sewing........

And now we have reached the time when we are already looking at the rest of the year.... as in every single one of our weekends for the rest of the year are booked with at least one thing, including being a bridesmaid and the divine Miss M's second birthday...... not to mention the fact that I have been accepted to all four markets I have applied for!! Little Monster's Market on the 30th of June (I might be a tad hungover, the hen's night is the night before ssssshhhhhhh!), Lollipop Markets on the 20th of November, The Mummy Tree Markets on the 4th of December and finally the Little Apple Twilight Markets on the 7th of December.

2011 please slow down!