Saturday, June 18, 2011


One thing I have discovered about my crafting self is that I don't focus on one product easily, I like to constantly challenge myself and try new things.... Verri Charmed has it's staple products (items that will definitely always be there) like hair tie sets, odd couple clips, brooches and headbands along with embelished tops. But along this 13 month journey I have tried and tested many new things.... some ideas have been shelved, others have been added to the product line.

Here are a few of my latest trials:

Crazy Miss D showing off her reversable vintage chenille and printed corduroy, "Monday/Tuesday" skirt.

Vintage Chenille hairclips. They are made with vintage chenille and upcycled placemats (!) and finished with vintage buttons.

I've snaffled on for myself:)

And finally today's creating has accomplished this:

A ruffle skirt made using stretchy jersey.

I *heart* creating.

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