About 8 months ago Delilah started to display a facination with Mr Potato Head. Whenever we were at the house of a cronie, who had a mini-cronie with a Mr Potato Head, little Miss D would sit totally absorbed with putting all the body parts in the holes and then matching the correct parts to herself... for example it wasn't unusual to see her sitting with a tiny hat on her head, a plastic tongue poking out of her mouth, a very small pair of glasses perched on her nose, or less correctly, a rigid white arm or leg sticking out of her ear. So the day Luke came home with some hand me down toys from his boss, there was great delight when she discovered the haul included a Mr Potato Head game, which included four bodies and the various accessories for each.
Now we don't bring him out all that often (at the most once a week) but on Monday after she had been playing with the set for a while I was absolutely delighted when she brought this to me at the table:
Accompanied with the declaration of "Mummy and Daddy". Yes Daddy was the boy with the cowboy hat and boots and Mummy was the girl with the eyelashes, ribboned hat and high heels... and yet again (at 2 years and 3 months) I say it's all happening too fast! P.S. Those faces that she has been drawing for months are now a constant feature in all drawing sessions and she has added pupils to the eyes!!!
Just a little added extra, little M will be 7 months on friday... she is now sitting easily on her own. She has this beautiful straight posture about her and it just makes her look sooooooo very cute (and tiny) when she is sitting up, I haven't managed a pic yet, but I will soon.
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