So where are we at now with Miss M?
- Height: 68.5cm
- Weight: 8.25 Kg
Yes, she's still a chubba bubba and she is still an absolutely delightful baby. She sleeps at least 16 out of 24 hours still, though most of that is over night. She is now very close to sitting by herself for extended periods. She rolls around and blows raspberries. She laughs when her sister cries (it makes it very hard for me to keep a straight face!). She wraps her arms tightly around our necks and squeals and giggles in your ear. She eats three meals a day including meat(!) and still has six or seven feeds from me, her enthusiasm for her food has her Daddy and I absolutely enthralled. She is becoming a little person more and more everyday, which is amazing and fascinating!
I have one week left now of maternity leave which is quite sad for me, and I worry how my little Miss M is going to take her day and a half of daycare, because she is such a Mummy's girl (in typical 6 month old style she cies when I leave the room!). I guess only time will tell, but most likely, just as she does with everythng else she will take it all in her stride.